Sun 12 Jan
Stunning 5 Star Latina Dazzling the BAY AREA! (1,000% the REAL DEAL)
(South Bay Incalls/Outcalls Everywhere)
Sat 11 Jan
N_A_U_G_H_T_Y !!! _ H_O_T_T * __ ( One __ Of ___ a _ KiND ) __ ToTAL kNoCkOuT ! - 24
(San Francisco, San Francisco Incalls and Outcalls)
🌟New Brazilian Hottie in Town for this Week🌟 Incall/ Outcall - 22
(East Bay, Palo Alto, San Francisco, San Francisco, Union Square and Nearby, San Jose / South Bay, San Mateo, Santa Clara)
Fri 10 Jan
UPSCALE¸ ★ (¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯) DREAM•GIRL (¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯)★ - 21
Thu 09 Jan
I'm back!! ALL NIGHT incall and outcall S P E C I A L S - 19
(East Bay, Hayward/Castro Valley/Union city)
(( EXotiC))_ ((An ExPeRiEnCe tO ReMeMbEr))} InCaLL/OuTcALL!! AsiAn PlaymaTe !!!! (SwEeT & sEnSuaL))) - 23
(San Francisco, South SF/SFO)
Wed 08 Jan
N eW**sTun niNg BLoN de BarBiE* ***oU tcaLL Spec IalS - 21
(San Francisco, outcalls all over.!incalls in your area)
Tue 07 Jan
sexy.classy. sophisticated beauty w/wild side * UPSCALE GENTLEMAN* INCALL SPECIAL* - 31
(San francisco, SF bay area)
Mon 06 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan
Brand new holiday season pics! 5'11" Tall, Tan, Busty, Bootylicious. GORGEOUS LONG LEGS! - 23
(San Francisco, Sf, Downtown, union square)
(.)(.) naturally BUSTY (.)(.) mature SEXY ..... Good Ole Fashioned LOVIN .... - 40
(San Francisco, Bay Area outcall SF INCALLS/2 girl avail)
Thu 02 Jan